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The HealthRoster ACP Assessment is not as hard as some may make out. Like all test environments it’s all in the preparation.  It’s no good simply knowing what certain functionalities of HealthRoster do, you need to know how it’s done and what steps you can take to correct it.

A prime example of this is loading personnel through the Gateway; most administrators know what it’s used for but are not completely ofay with the procedures to achieve a successful outcome. Some attendees lose marks as they offer their opinion to questions instead of sticking to what is required.

My tips for achieving successful results are to spend the first 10 – 15 mins reading through the assessment papers and formulate a plan of attack, it may seem simple but bring a highlighter pen and note key information which you can tick off as you go, saving time retracing your steps.

Attempt all the questions using key words; you may not be offering the exact answer but the assessor may think you’re heading in the right direction and give you the benefit of the doubt – leaving questions blank is like having an ashtray on a motorbike (pointless).

Also in the last 20 mins go over what you have done.  You may notice slight errors where you can pick up crucial marks. As an invigilator I see people rushing to get through sections trying to beat the deadline but not really achieving anything, it’s all about quality not quantity.

Failing that you could always try bribing the invigilator, a box of the finest Yorkshire tea will always melt my heart.

Test your skills, prove your knowledge Book ACP assessment to get accredited

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