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For NHS trusts to understand how best to deploy and manage their most important asset – their people – it is critical for them to have total visibility of the workforce. This has become increasingly urgent given the rising demand for care and the shortage of doctors and nurses.

The case studies within our Storybook explore how a variety of NHS trusts have approached developing visibility of their workforce – with both their people and by using technology. Each trust has a unique perspective and focus, these stories demonstrate how they are using visibility to drive improvement in care and the working life of their nursing and clinical staff.

Download the Storybook to discover how five of our customers have improved workforce visibility with our solutions, including case studies on:

  • Consultant job planning and junior doctor rotas at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Real-time deployment of nursing and midwifery staff at Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Using workforce intelligence to deploy staff at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust.
  • Self-rostering in nursing and midwifery at East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.
  • Patient need alignment with district nursing resource at Whittington Health NHS Trust.

Click here to download the storybook.