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This week GGI and Allocate Software jointly hosted a Round table to launch a brand new white paper: The surprising benefits to performance that mechanising assurance can bring.

This round table event explored how mechanised assurance can have an impact on the effectiveness of governance and the performance of NHS organisations. This comes in the context of a white paper exploring why effective assurance is important and evaluates systems of mechanised assurance. The white paper includes case studies of NHS trusts who have used such systems and will explore the achievements as well as the challenges related to using these, as well as the long-term impact on the organisation.

The launch was chaired by GGI Chair Dr John Bullivant and opened by GGI Chief Executive, Mr Andrew Corbett-Nolan with his view on the mechanics and dynamics of governance, what is governance all about? Liz Jones, from Allocate followed with her experience of the value of effective assurance in the NHS. Angela Helleur, Improvement Director – NHS Improvement advised on assurance as an improvement tool in challenged trusts . Dr Nadeem Moghal, Medical Director – Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust discussed ward to board assurance and how to ensure clinical. Guests at the roundtable included health influencers ranging from NHS trusts and regulatory bodies. For a highlights of the round table look up #NHSAssurance on Twitter.

Background to white paper

The Good Governance Institute (GGI) is always concerned to support healthcare boards to have insight into the key issues that they need to be informed about. They have previously developed various series of reports and assurance tools for boards on issues of strategic interest such as telehealthcare, long-term conditions and new care models.

Request a copy of the whitepaper on this webpage

Allocate is a recognised global leader in workforce and assurance software. GGI and Allocate have collaborated to produce this white paper on assurance in the NHS as the sector faces many challenges while grappling with the large scale changes that the journey towards STPs and integrated care is bringing about. How can effective assurance play a role in helping organisations through this complex operating environment? What behaviours should be underpinning this? What needs to change to allow for more effective assurance?

GGI have been exploring these issues through in depth research and engagement with NHS board members, conducting interviews, holding an earlier round table event, visiting trusts to develop case studies on assurance in their organisation.

Request a copy of the whitepaper on this webpage

Read Liz Jones blog ‘Assurance in Health and Care matters more today than it has at any other point’

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