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Start date: 10/04/2014
End date: 19/06/2014
Location: National & Online

Join one of the following workshops or webinars to find out more about how Allocate Software can help organisations deliver and report on safe staffing levels. With additional guidance from NHS England and the CQC spelling out more details on how NHS Trusts with inpatient areas will be expected to report on staffing levels, both operationally and at the board these sessions will provide an essential update for all customers.

The sessions will also provide a detailed update on SafeCare-All-the-Time our end-to-end solution that brings together HealthRoster, SafeCare, SafeCare-Live (which includes live reporting on ward boards and mobile access for ward leadership and Trust wide live staffing views) and a focused sub-set of HealthAssure called SafeCare-Assure that will help you respond to assurance and compliance requirements. Click here to read more about SafeCare-All-the-Time.

This event has now ended

Director & Senior Nurse Sessions   Workshop: 7th May, Preston
Workshop: 13th May, Birmingham
Workshop: 20th May, London
Workshop: 19th June, Taunton

Webinar Sessions – all customer contacts  
Preston Webinar: 10th April, 08:30 – 9:30
Birmingham Webinar: 14th April, 16:30 – 17:30