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Start date: 21/03/2019
End date: 11/04/2019
Location: Leeds & London
Customers administering the SafeCare tool are invited to join a SafeCare Focus Group. This is an opportunity to learn and share knowledge, expertise and best practice with other organisations using SafeCare, and also input ideas to future development of the product. It is a great chance to collaborate and share experiences to get the best out of SafeCare.
Based on feedback we are holding the sessions in new venues:-
Thursday 21st March at Leeds Football Club REGISTER YOUR PLACE>> 
Thursday 11th April in London HgCapital offices  REGISTER YOUR PLACE>>
Provisional Agenda – if you would like to suggest a session please contact [email protected]
Times: 9.45am for a 10am start, finishing at 2.30pm
– Welcome
– Update from Trusts – update from attendees on your use of SafeCare, successes, challenges and future goals
– Product Update – 10.8.3, 10.9.1 and future roadmap
– Integration – importing acuity information from other systems
– Lunch
– Open Session – your opportunity to share ideas and ask for support and guidance from other Trusts
– Summary and Close
Please note in order to accommodate as many organisations as possible we are restricting attendance to 2 people per organisation.