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Start date: 21/10/2015
End date: 22/10/2015
Location: Hilton Brighton Metropole

This first Nursing Times Directors’ Congress has been created exclusively for provider organisations with the aim of providing a safe space where support is offered and collective experience shared.

We want the nursing voice to ring loud and clear at board level in your organisations and we’ll do that by empowering you to make the case for your nursing workforce and the contribution it can and does make – armed with the passion, knowledge and strategy to effect positive change. Find out more

Step inside the #eRosterBox of experts.

With so much attention on e-Rostering practise in recent months Allocate is providing a ‘pop-up’ box in the exhibition hall where we’ll be sharing best practice, de-bunking rostering myths and answering your workforce questions.

Find out how to build more responsive workforce models to meet patient or service user needs with a demonstration of Allocate’s SafeCare solution to manage safe staffing.

Allocate will also show you how to use workforce data from our software to drive improvement, as well as using this information to engage other board members with evidence and insight  – whether about savings or safety.

Our experts will be on hand to help with tips and advice to improve the deployment of the entire healthcare workforce – just step inside to get involved!

HealthRoster | SafeCare-Live | Allocate-Insight | HealthMedics | RealTime PatientFlow | HealthAssure