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Start date: 28/11/2012
End date: 28/11/2012
Location: Cardiff

Invitation to join a HealthMedics briefing. Providing insight to those involved in planning and managing consultants and junior doctors


HealthMedics Network

A network for professionals involved in planning and managing the medical workforce, providing members insight, debate and best practice learning in a safe environment. Membership to the network is free of charge and includes access to a number of important briefings as well as online resources. To access the network simply register for one of the following briefings:

27th Nov 2012 – Birmingham 28th Nov 2012 – Cardiff 3rd Dec 2012 – Leeds 16th Jan 2012 – London

The morning session at each event will focus on the consultant workforce with the afternoon focusing on junior doctors. To request to join either session or both sessions simply email [email protected]

Each session will be a combination of practical sessions, discussion, presentation and will include a take away workforce management toolkit containing valuable tips, tools and strategies for driving improvement within your organisation; – Share ideas, experience and best practice with your peers from other trusts; – Find out how others are coping with the challenges you face in your own role; – Hear from key figures on latest developments and innovations.

See below for detailed agendas for both the Consultant session and Junior Doctors session. To request to join the briefing please email [email protected]

Morning Agenda – Consultant Focus Time: 09:30- 13:00, followed by lunch The ‘Big Picture’ – a new dawn in medical workforce management Clinical Activity Management – maximising use of consultant time for a patient-centric service Revalidation Update and Q&A Physician engagement – a vital key to improved organisational performance Afternoon Agenda – Junior Doctors Focus Time: 13:00 – 16:30 including lunch Junior Doctor Rota Review – the rapid route to savings and productivity Banding Appeals – understanding impact; prevention and coping strategies Strengthening policy around junior doctor contracts – Protect the trust Linking rota design to the needs of the service Compliant junior doctor rosters Rota design Q&A

Full agenda supplied at registration