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One of the challenges when working shifts is planning your life around a variable work pattern. It can be a time consuming process copying your rota down into your personal diary. Then there’s the issue of how do you keep those around you up to date with your work schedule, especially once a few swaps have been arranged.

Being able to see your rota from your mobile phone via MedicOnDuty has been a significant step forward in having this information at your fingertips but did you know it is now possible to take this one step further and integrate it into your electronic diary?  Within MedicOnDuty there is a link to iCal with instructions on how to link this to your diary either on your iPhone, Android phone or into an Outlook calendar.  You can also choose if you want to share this link with anyone else – so far this has included other halves, medical secretaries, babysitters and even dog sitters!

Since any changes that are made to the roster are fed through to MedicOnDuty, the iCal integration automatically makes the changes to the designated calendars. As a result you can be assured that information is fed through to all and ensure that you are in the right place at the right time, and there are no unexpected surprises for those around you.

Are you making the most of MedicOnDuty and the iCal integration feature?

We have noticed some of our customers haven’t utilised this great little feature that will make everyone’s lives significantly easier to manage. Thus we have created a quick guide to help you set it up – start saving your time and effort.

Request iCal's quick set up guide

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