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We have partnered with the Nursing Times, NHS Employers and NHS Leadership Academy to generate a list of nurse leaders who demonstrate strength across as many as possible of the dimensions of leadership outlined by the NHS Leadership Academy Healthcare Leadership Model.

NHS Employers have grouped these into five key areas (below), and want you to nominate inspirational nurses you think should win a coveted place in the inaugural top 50 nursing leaders.


1. Extent of the nurse leader’s impact


Does the person have influence over large numbers of people? What budget and resources do they have access to? How do they affect nursing policy, practice and patient care? How large is their Twitter following? How often are they in the media? Are they a good role model? Have they a vision that improves services and care, and do they communicate this in a way that is compelling and exciting, yet feels achievable?


2. Influence across different areas of healthcare


Do they hold a number of positions across nursing or exert influence in a number of ways? Do they understand how health and social care services fit together, interconnect and interact? Are they flexible in using different organisations to create a better service and outcomes for patients?


3. Impact


How do they use their influence? How do they improve practice and care?


4. Are they a good role model?


We want nominees who demonstrate that they care for their teams, provide a safe, educational environment in which they encourage their teams to grow and do their jobs effectively. They must ensure team members are valued and show respect and compassion to each other. They must set performance goals and support their teams in delivering them, and champion learning and personal development.


5. What is the individual’s legacy?

How significant is their achievement? How will we remember their contribution? Will they leave the profession in a better place than when they joined it? Did they engineer substantial change that had an impact on patient care? Were they the first to perform their role? Or, perhaps their achievements took place in a challenging environment, facing additional barriers? Have they achieved results by working collaboratively and recognising individual contributions?


Vote now!


Visit the Nursing Times website to submit your entry via the online form. 


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