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Start date: 05/11/2015
End date: 06/11/2015
Location: Hertfordshire

The HSJ Summit is the critical event in the healthcare calendar. For a dozen years it has been a major forum where policy initiatives can be debated and shaped. The discussions take place under the Chatham House Rule and as such, the exchanges are very frank and very honest.

Alongside the 13th annual HSJ Summit, a special summit for emerging leaders will also be taking place – the HSJ Emerging Leaders Summit.

This year’s summit comes at a time of unparalleled austerity. It is well known that £22bn in efficiency savings has to be made by 2020 for the NHS to keep pace with the demands of an ageing population.

The summit will reflect on the level of savings that can be realistically made. How can Lord Carter’s recommendations be implemented? What is the true potential of new care models? The HSJ Summit will take stock of the Five Year Forward View and one year on; assess how it is being delivered across the sector.

These issues and many more besides will form the basis of this year’s programme for the HSJ Summit.

Simon Stevens spoke to HSJ in February about 2015 being the year that “a new cadre of leaders step up”. In June, HSJ’s own commission headed up by Sir Robert Naylor, reported on the future of NHS leadership and found that “there is no doubt a crisis in leadership”.

Within this context, it seems appropriate for HSJ to welcome these emerging leaders and provide them with the knowledge and inspiration to start the generational shift that Simon Stevens has spoken about.

If you would like to be considered for an invite for the HSJ Summit, please call Juliet on 020 3033 2651 or email [email protected]. Places are limited!