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23rd May 2019

German hospital, Oldenburg Protestant Hospital digitises personnel deployment planning.

Northern German hospital, Oldenburg Protestant Hospital, has announced plans for the roll out a new cloud-based duty scheduling system from Allocate Software. Allocate’s cloud-based duty roster system, Optima, will now give more than 1,400 employees access to its duty schedules to enable the administration of shift bookings at any time and from anywhere, via a smartphone.   

Commenting of the significance of the win in terms of Allocate’s international growth, Nick Wilson, CEO Allocate said:“Oldenburg’s adoption of Optima signifies an exciting step forward as we grow in the German market. It is another proof point that Allocate is seen as a disruptive and innovative solution provider in Germany and part of the solution to addressing the global healthcare workforce shortage through efficient, safe and fair rostering and through creating better staff engagement.”

Transparency and fairness in the creation of duty rosters has been a major issue for the employees at Oldenburg Protestant Hospital.  The software from Allocate will now introduce greater transparency and equality when creating the duty rosters explains Silvia Warnecke, a consultant for working time management:

“Traditionally, as soon as duty rosters are drawn up, our working time representatives often have to change them again so that employees’ requests can be fulfilled.  This is very time-consuming process for everyone involved and interrupts employees during their off-duty. With the new software from Allocate, it will now be much easier to see who is currently available and who could swap or offer themselves for service.”

The Optima system will also give quick access to services to be manned and requests to exchange services – all with a single click. The duty planner’s role will be simplified and will ensure a better exchange between managers and employees. The care director can link the staffing in the areas and wards with the real patient data and therefore ensure the quality of care for the patients. In addition, a comprehensive reporting system offers real-time evaluation options.

One of the other major advantages of the system is that many of the working time models and requirements from the University of Oldenburg can now be optimally mapped.  Previously the data had to be maintained manually. “A very error-prone system,” says Franziska Macher, Human Resources Manager at the Oldenburg Protestant Hospital: “Now with the introduction of the Allocate software Optima the process of personnel deployment planning and compliance with the German Working Hours Act will be hugely simplified.”

Notes to editors 

About Oldenburg Protestant Hospital

The Oldenburg Protestant Hospital has almost 400 beds and, with more than 1,400 employees, treats around 50,000 outpatients and inpatients each year. Since 2012, the hospital with several university clinics has been part of the Medical Campus of the University of Oldenburg and is part of the European Medical School Oldenburg-Groningen.

About Allocate Software

Allocate Software is a leading international provider of workforce and resource planning solutions, supporting the operational and administrative needs of healthcare, defence and maritime sectors.

In the health and care sector, Allocate is enabling the delivery of safe and effective care at optimal cost, by helping organisations to have the right people in the right place at the right time. With over 800 clients and over a million staff rostered daily, Allocate serves the largest public and private sector institutions around the world. Its Optima, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), platform including HealthRoster and HealthMedics, optimises the complex staffing requirements of large health and care organisations. Alongside automating sophisticated scheduling and ensuring accurate pay for staff that have complex pay rules, it is unique in providing additional benefits to improve the safety of staffing given changing patient needs, the management of contingent workforce, and the engagement of staff through the dedicated app. Optima is used to plan the working lives of half million staff across all workforce groups including doctors, nurses, therapists, care staff, operational staff and administrators.

Allocate Software is headquartered in the United Kingdom, with 500 employees, including over 190 in research, development and product management functions. It provides services and support to its international customer base through regional offices in the UK, Sweden, France, Germany and Australia.

Media enquiries

Liz Jones, Marketing Director

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Clare Wall

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