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Allocate Software have launched their exciting new HealthAssure module for monitoring and reporting on CAS Alerts.

Allocate are so convinced that CASAssure can save Trusts time, as well as provide a robust and transparent assurance process for CAS alerts, that the following offer is available to existing HealthAssure customers. The offer is available until the end of August to the next 5 customers that get in touch.

Have CASAssure installed free of charge, and use it for 1 month to see the features and benefits for yourself. For that month all CAS alerts will be loaded onto your system, along with the tools to easily disseminate those alerts across your organisation, and track subsequent responses & actions.

At the end of the trial, the module will be available to purchase for a one off 50% discount.

Sign up me

CASAssure is an application that enables Trusts to disseminate CAS alerts to relevant parties across their organisation, and to record & monitor responses and actions against those alerts. This is not meant to replace the external reporting responsibilities Trust’s currently have through the central portal, but rather provide an internal monitoring system to give (via dashboards and reports) assurance to senior managers and the Board that alerts are being responded to in a timely manner, and that ensuing actions are being monitored effectively.

Key Advantages of CASAssure

  • Alerts are automatically added to your system for you – saving time and mitigating potential errors (Kettering Hospital reported a saving of 15 minutes per alert over their previous system)
  • Simple tools for emailing notifications of new alerts across your organisation
Find out why Kettering signed up
  • Service Leads across the Trust can input responses to the alerts directly into CASAssure via an easy to use form. Responses are then collated to form a Trust level view.
  • Email alerts notify key stakeholders when new alerts require an action by them.
  • Reports and Dashboards quickly highlight areas of concern or reported non-compliance.
  • Actions can be assigned and tracked.
  • Reports can be run and distributed by email automatically; meaning all key stakeholders can be kept informed of all safety alerts – not just the ones thought to be applicable to them.

Contact us for your free trial! Simply email 
[email protected]

Find out more about the tool from Ketterings Health & Safety Manager

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