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Start date: 04/04/2019
End date: 04/04/2019
Location: Salt Mill, Victoria Road Saltaire, West Yorkshire Bradford BD18 3LA

Meet the Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Trust Flexible Workforce team who have gained greater control and total agency visibility using the Direct Engagement and VMA Nursing Solution. This is your opportunity to discover how the team have centralised agency activity; increasing visibility and compliance assurance to deliver safer staffing and better care to patients as well as resulting in cost savings of nearly £2m in agency spend.


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Discover the team has:

  1. Centralised all agency activity under one team
  2. Reduced agency spend by almost £2m and gained control across all staffing groups
  3. Delivered quality assurance and safeguarding
  4. Accessed a full reporting suite to achieve greater visibility and transparency
  5. Improved the quality of patient care by ensuring all staff are compliant


Explore first hand with Pat, Rachel and the team how they managed to implement the changes that lead to a reduction in agency spend, greater control and visibility of agency staff and quality assurance across the trust . Plus find out the benefits achieved by using one system and bringing together a flexible workforce team to manage agency workers for the whole of the Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.


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