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Dr John Bullivant

John is the founder and chairman of the Good Governance institute. He has published and lectured widely on governance, quality and benchmarking and is now focusing on consolidating GGI’s wide range of knowledge management materials within a single body of knowledge for governance. John has introduced many of the standard governance products including maturity matrices, board assurance prompts and the NHS approach to risk appetite, governance between organisations, challenge, scrutiny and review. He has recently updated the seminal Integrated Governance Handbook ten years after its original launch by the Department of Health. John is a former VFM auditor, board director of a health authority, director of the NHS Wales Benchmarking Reference Centre and a visiting fellow at the University of South Wales and the Open University Business School. He was a member of the Health Ministers National Advisory Board in Wales, President of the quality network of the Royal Society of Medicine, a peer reviewer for Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, board secretary to the all industry Benchmarking Institute and an advisor to a number of business and professional organisations.