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Start date: 06/07/2015
End date: 07/07/2015
Location: ICC Birmingham

Save Lives, Save Money, Improve Outcomes and Enhance Experiences

Health Service Journal and the Nursing Times organise the annual Patient Safety Congress and Awards because they passionately believe that an NHS which delivers safe care, will also produce the best outcomes and experience for patients, while making sure the service’s budget is spent efficiently. This can be achieved by sharing, collaborating and learning.

The annual Patient Safety Congress is already the biggest and most important platform for the patient safety community to share and learn. However, we want patient safety issues to have a greater impact throughout the NHS and to align them closely with the service’s other priorities.

Therefore there is an extended and ambitious programme for 2015’s event…

  • The Patient safety’s annual congress and awards have been brought together: the events are co-located, but it’s more than that: award winners and shortlisted entries will share their knowledge and experience with congress delegates – the very best in patient safety presenting, sharing and answering your questions face to face: an unique opportunity
  • Making the Business Case for Safety: providing the tools and real examples for you to demonstrate that investment in safety leads to long term cost savings and better outcomes
  • For healthcare leaders: Unveiling the Patient Safety Plus. The new addition to this year’s programme: interactive sessions and workshops produced specifically to help you create applicable solutions to what feel like insurmountable challenges: Preparing for a CQC Inspection, Using clinical data to save lives and money, reducing readmissions, and more
  • Recognising excellence in patient safety. If you or your team are leading the way: Enter the Patient Safety Awards now, and on the evening of 6th July you can inspire the healthcare community as we highlight and reward outstanding work and professional achievements
  • 65+hours of unparalleled learning; 2000 attendees from across the patient care community and the wider NHS; 17 award categories to identify, recognise and celebrate great work; 13 hours of networking opportunities; 2 days of peer to peer collaboration; to continue to make the NHS the envy of the world: The Patient Safety Congress and Awards.

Visit Allocate in the exhibition to find out how our solutions support patient safety. Follow us on Twitter for updates @AllocateS

For more information on the conference and to buy tickets visit