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Last night, Nursing Times (NT), announced its inaugural Leaders list at the Haymarket Hotel, London. Around 120 nursing leaders and guests attended a private reception to network and celebrate their success.

Allocate was delighted to support the join The Nursing Times’ Top Leaders List alongside NHS Employers and the NHS Leadership Academy.

In our work delivering e-Rostering, safe staffing, patient flow and quality governance software our teams see great nurse leadership day in and day out. We see leadership at the ward with inspirational staff taking local decisions that make a huge difference to patients and colleagues. We see courageous new nurse leaders, as well as experienced leaders bringing energy, influence and innovation to how care is delivered in their own organisations, or in others they support through national work.

When asked to support the NT Leadership awards we didn’t hesitate in accepting the opportunity to be part of acknowledging the important impact that exceptional nurse leadership delivers.

The judging panel, that included our Director of Healthcare Paul Scandrett debated and collectively decided those individuals who have demonstrated strength across the five key areas outlined by the NHS Leadership Academy’s Healthcare Leadership Model. The five key areas are: leadership, influence, impact, role model and legacy. From a shortlist of over 200 individuals,  the panel selected forty six individuals from all areas of nursing to form the inaugural list.

Forty six individuals from all areas of nursing have made the inaugural list. The reception was hosted by Jenni Middleton, Editor of NT and she said “The work if these nurse leaders has shaped practice, the profession and most importantly of all, patient care. They have left a legacy that they can be proud of and we are delighted to honour them in this inaugural Nursing Times Leaders list.”


The judges on the panel were:

  • Chris Beasley, former chief nursing officer, Department of Health
  • Karen Charman, director of engagement, NHS Employers
  • Professor Judith Ellis, dean of health, London Southbank University
  • Josie Irwin, head of employment relations, Royal College of Nursing
  • Alan Nobbs, senior programme lead: programme delivery & frameworks, NHS Leadership Academy
  • Jane Salvage, author and health consultant, Jane Salvage Limited & visiting professor, Kingston University & St George’s, University of London
  • Paul Scandrett, director of healthcare, Allocate Software
  • Theresa Shaw, chief executive, Foundation of Nursing Studies
  • Professor Janice Sigsworth, director of nursing, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Professor Janice Stevens, managing director, Health Education West Midlands


Congratulations to everyone who made the list:

Gail Adams,  Head of nursing,  UNISON
Caroline Alexander,  Chief nurse,  (London region) NHS England
Professor June Andrews Director, Dementia Services Development Centre, University of Stirling
Professor Viv Bennett Director of nursing, Department of Health and Public Health England
Peter Blythin Director of nursing NHS Trust Development Authority
Phil Boulter, Consultant nurse, learning disabilities,
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Neil Brimblecombe Director of nursing, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Hilary A Chapman Chief nurse, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Teresa Chinn RN & social media specialist @WeNurses
Yvonne Coghill, Senior programme lead – Inclusion & coaching NHS Leadership Academy
Jane Cummings Chief nursing officer for England NHS England
Professor Judith Ellis MBE, Executive dean, Faculty of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University and deputy chair, Nursing and Midwifery Council
Baroness Audrey Emerton Member of House of Lords
Kath Evans, Head of patient experience (children, young people and maternity), NHS England
Nathan Filer Author, Shock of the Fall
Dame Elizabeth Fradd Independent health service adviser
Professor Peter Griffiths, Chair of health services research, University of Southampton and visiting professor at the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Elaine Inglesby-Burke, Executive nurse director and deputy chief executive, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Charlotte Johnston Student nurse University of Lincoln
Alison Kelly Director of nursing and quality, Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Claire Kent Matron, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust
Helen Kirk, Head of occupational health Transition, Public Health England
Helen Laverty, Facilitator, positive choices network and professional lead learning disability nursing, University of Nottingham
Dr Alison Leary, Research analyst/reader in advanced practice
Daniel Marsden, Practice development nurse, learning disabilities East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Ruth May, Regional chief nurse (Midlands and East) NHS England
Debra Moore, Managing director, Debra Moore Associates
Ros Moore, Chief nursing officer for Scotland, Scottish Government
Trish Morris-Thompson, Director of quality and clinical Governance Barchester Healthcare
Joan Myers OBE, Head of nursing for children’s services & nurse consultant, community children’s nursing, Whittington Health NHS Trust
Dr Crystal Oldman Chief Executive Queen’s Nursing Institute
Dr Terri Porrett, Senior Medical Manager, Ostomy Division Coloplast
Professor Anne Marie Rafferty, Professor of Nursing policy & director of academic outreach Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery, King’s College London
Elizabeth Robb Chief executive The Florence Nightingale Foundation
Tom Sandford Director, England Royal College of Nursing
Dr Theresa Shaw, Chief Executive, Foundation of Nursing Studies
Janice Sigsworth, Director of nursing, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Professor Eileen Sills CBE, Chief nurse and director of patient, Experience, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Commander Pauline Small, Senior officer, naval nursing, Reserves Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service (QARNNS), Royal Naval Reserve
Janice Smyth Director, Northern Ireland Royal College of Nursing
Professor Janice Stevens CBE Managing director Health Education West Midlands
Barbara Stilwell, Chief of party, Palestinian health capacity project and Senior director, Intrahealth International
Professor Ben Thomas, Professional adviser for mental health, learning disability nursing and dementia care, Department of Health
Professor Cathy Warwick CBE, Chief executive, Royal College of Midwives
Professor Jean White, Chief nursing officer, for Wales Welsh Government
Dr Suzette Woodward, Director of safety, learning and people, NHS Litigation Authority


To see the Nursing Times Top Leaders list, visit or follow on twitter at #NTLeaders / @NursingTimes

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