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On 15 and 16 of October 2013 more than 300 users of Allocate Software’s Healthcare products from over 130 NHS Trusts, gathered in London for the annual Allocate User Group Conference. The 2-day event boasted a packed agenda designed by users for users from across the healthcare user community of HealthRoster, BankStaff, HealthAssure and HealthMedics.

With over 65 sessions to choose from, many delivered by NHS trusts themselves, delegates were able to share and learn from other Trusts’ examples of best practice and how to use Allocate solution most effectively in their work.

Delegates were able to experience sessions delivered by fellow users and professional peers, to learn how NHS colleagues from across the country have used their systems to support delivery of safe staffing and care, unrivalled reporting and assurance, and maximising time to care.

Allocate experts also delivered a range of sessions on product developments and how we are continuing to support the NHS and help trusts meet changing and challenging demands, as well as demonstrating the powerful new PatientFlow solution.

Kay Gammage, Head of Medical Resources at Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust commented: “We had a wonderful time at the conference, the range of speakers and topics proved invaluable. Meeting other trusts that use similar software and sharing experiences allowed us to share what we do in our trust, and take away practical learning to enhance our own projects.”
“It is a pleasure to support our community of customers and to see so many users come together over two days and share so many examples of how they are delivering benefits from our software.” Says Paul Scandrett, Director of Healthcare, Allocate Software

To find out more about the user group or to express your interest in attending the 2014 conference please email [email protected]
Notes to editors:
Allocate Software brings in-depth market knowledge and wide-ranging expertise to the development of innovative solutions that are designed to help the NHS become more efficient while maintaining and improving service quality. Our solutions are the most widely-used workforce management, governance and compliance tools in healthcare. HealthSuite solutions include e-Rostering with HealthRoster, medic workforce solutions with HealthMedics, risk and compliance with HealthAssure and PatientFlow and Emergency Department solutions with RealTime.
For further information about Allocate Software please contact:
Liz Jones, Head of Healthcare Marketing [email protected] or 07968 412642 Julian Tyndale-Biscoe, [email protected], or 07882 985507

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