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Allocate Software has today announced that West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has selected the HealthRoster-SafeCare software. The software has been selected to provide more visibility of staffing levels across wards and departments, allowing organisations to maintain safe and compliant patient care based on patient numbers and their acuity and dependency.

Nichole Day, Nurse Director, at West Suffolk NHS Foundation NHS Trust said, ‘It was important to us that SafeCare is fully integrated with HealthRoster. This will give us a more accurate picture of exactly what staff and skills mix are on each ward at any given time and how this relates to the patient needs.’

Paul Scandrett, Director of Healthcare said, “We are looking forward to supporting West Suffolk NHS Foundation NHS Trust as they start to use the HealthRoster SafeCare. The Trust uses the AUKUH evidence based workforce planning tool and it is great that the software will mean they are able to support this more widely and easily across the Trust.” _________________________________________________________________________________

Join a SafeCare briefing to find out more about HealthRoster SafeCare

12th September 2013, 10:00 – 13:00, Leeds (SOLD OUT) 26th September 2013, 13:00 – 16:30, London 3rd October 2013, 13:00 – 16:30, Birmingham 30th October 2013, 15:00 – 19:00, London

Or email [email protected] for more information

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