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Start date: 17/12/2013
End date: 18/10/2016
Location: Allocate Software HQ, 1 Church Road, Richmond, TW9 2QE

Open to all healthcare governance risk & compliance professionals, this free briefing will provide insight into the latest changes in regulation, it will explore how other providers are currently managing their governance, risk & compliance. This is a fantastic forum for networking and debate with your peers in your region.

Current agenda:

10am Registration
CQC changes update – Liz Jones
Allocate’s response to the CQC changes – Patrick Moore
Corporate Accountability – Changes to regulation – Duncan Astill, Mills and Reeve
Open forum discussion Complimentary Networking Lunch Assuring yourself of safe staffing levels in Nursing – Liz Jones and Susana Tejerina
Ready for inspection – assurance – do you know where your Junior Doctors and consultants are? – Richard Lucas

The briefing will finish around 2pm but we will provide an optional practical HealthAssure hints and tips session for current users of the system after this.

Visit the HealthAssure Network page

Feedback from HealthAssure Network Members:

“Excellent balance of speakers. Very thought provoking at times. Very worthwhile event. Thank you” Suzanne Cross, Senior compliance Manager, Basildon and Thurrock University NHS

“Excellent sessions, good to hear re Francis from legal perspective and from development of the Allocate Software” Helen Cobb, Assistant Director Corporate Governance, The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

All HealthAssure customers are members of the HealthAssure Network and as well as lots of great events and debates through-out the year with speakers from all parts of the health system, there are some additional benefits including discounted or free conference places and publications. The Network is open to those of you who are not HealthAssure users; you are welcome to attend our briefing events and our online Network on LinkedIn.